Reflections from the RAAIE Community: The Ritual of Cleansing
Whether over the sink or in the shower, our community reflects on the ever-evolving purpose and form of a beloved ritual.

The beauty of rituals lies in their simplicity. One that is forever familiar to all is the act of our hands in motion — cleansing. It's the most crucial step in any skincare routine, yet amidst the noise of the beauty world, it’s often overlooked.
Historic records of this essential act reference the use of bone pieces and stone to scrape the skin. We’ve certainly come far from basic dirt removal, but there’s a charm in the enduring link to history, with the recent surge of the gua sha in there’s an enduring connection to history, echoed today in the surge of gua sha in popular culture.
Whether over the sink or in the shower, our approach to cleansing reveals much about our relationship with this ritual and the purpose it serves in our lives. A quick scrub in the shower may hint at pure function, while long, rhythmic movements performed by some over the sink can be the ultimate reconnection with their bodies. Just like a deep inhale of breath.
The power of a good cleanser is undeniable. It’s an absolute necessity in allowing this ritual to be truly nourishing to our lives. Our Golden Mānuka Honey Enzyme Cleanser indulges you in a beautiful sensorial experience while also being a powerhouse in function, effortlessly removing makeup, sunscreen, and daily pollutants. All without stripping or drying the skin.
Ahead of the new year, we invited members of our beloved RAAIE Community to reflect on their cleansing rituals. Take a moment below with our friends to dive into their personal approaches, from the act’s evolution at different stages of life to the feelings it evokes... Read more below.

Courtney Joe, Stylist
While cleansing marks the start and end of my day, both rituals serve a different purpose. In the morning I swear by the sweet scent of mānuka to awaken my senses and breathe life into my weary complexion – a slow massage followed by splashes of cold water at the sink and I’m ready to hit the pavement or pilates mat. My evening cleanse is the first step in a rather lengthy wind-down routine – almost always accompanied with a cup of tea and a dose of ashwagandha to calm the mind. I cleanse twice, once with vigour to remove the stresses (and SPF-induced sebum) of the day, and then again for my now-bare skin to reap the benefits of the cleanser – and the several layers of skincare that follow (there are many!).
Constance McDonald, Writer & Photographer
Making any need-to-do a novelty is one of my favourite muscles to strengthen, for example, cleansing my face with Holy Water. I love bringing my cleanser with me to the breadth and width of bathing wherever I find myself: the tannin-rich onsen waters in Japan, pirts in Latvia (where you get wafted with a piece of linen covered in beeswax), and right now, where I am, hammam in Morocco. I get giddy when I am staying in a place with really high water pressure - feeling like my cleanser is being water-blasted off my face like a deck being prepared for Christmas Day.

Gabrielle Houghton, Make-Up-Artist
It is interesting to consider cleansing and the role and function that it plays for me. For me, there is more to it that may first meet the eye. The cleansing of face and body on a purely physical level of course does just that, cleanses. On another level it serves other functions also. It is a ritual that is built into my day. It is a pocket of time that I set aside during which I am focused on the act of cleansing (accidental mindfulness!). I take care with the products I use, and this is part of the experience, noticing and enjoying textures, smells and packaging. It is an act of care towards myself, while also being symbolic of washing away the day. In my work as a MUA, in part I operate from a place of care for others, it is important that I build things into my own life by which I extend the same care to myself. Cleansing is one act whereby I do this.
Yasmine Ganley, Editor of anyonegirl
For me, it is the next thing I do after the kids get into bed, so the act of cleaning my face is coupled with the relief that the day is done with, almost like a bridge between day and evening states. It’s something I take my time with because I can. Cleansing I used to be useless at, and would splash a bit of water around. But now coming into my 40s, I’ve had to take more care with my skin and I feel better for it. I’d say I have a firm hand too, I cleanse harder on my chin and my nose, not sure why. It’s still a chore that is part of my day. But it’s a solo and quiet one with the lights low and the evening about to begin, so it acts as a change of energy and pace for me.

Maya Sillwood, Model
The act of cleansing is definitely more than just a routine for me; it feels grounding. After a long day, taking that moment to wash away both makeup and the day itself gives me a deep sense of clarity and renewal. I love feeling textures and scents that calm and nurture—it’s like recharging my energy. Cleansing is one of my most essential parts of my routine and always leaves me feeling refreshed.
Rose Kwon, Content Creator
The ritual of cleansing my face during my skincare routine is truly one of the few moments where I am able to pause throughout my day. As someone who is quite the overthinker and gets caught up in anxiety, this small ritual gives me a break from my racing thoughts. The warm water and the gentle motion of massaging it into my skin and feeling the bits of my mascara come off —it’s grounding. It’s a time where I can focus on something simple and focus on selfcare, to clear my head even just for a minute.

Jess Molina, Writer & Content Creator
My routines are what keeps me anchored and one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself is to lock down a skincare routine that addresses what my skin needs. Cleansing to me is the first invitation to slow down. I’m either starting my day or wiping the day off, and this is a step I don’t rush! I love to put on some guided meditation or a good subliminal sound while I cleanse and breathe.
Kasia Stanicich, Make-Up-Artist & Content Creator
The importance of cleansing cannot be understated. Beauty and sun care products are designed to last, and ensuring my skin is properly cleansed at the end of the day is essential to skin health, appearance and makeup application the next morning. I try to slow down and consciously spend 30-60 seconds massaging cleanser into my face and removing it with a warm face cloth. The cloth helps with very gentle surface exfoliation, removing any dead skin cells. Shifting mindset when it comes to the ritual of cleansing can have visible impacts on your skin - take your time, enjoy the moment and see the results.
Shop Golden Nectar Mānuka Honey Enzyme Cleanser
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